Lookup and check Fleetwood VIN Number and Get Vehicle History

A list of major factory-installed equipment, including the manufacturer's name and the model designation of each appliance. This to-be-built home is the "Oxford Farmhouse" plan by Keystone Custom Homes, and is located in the community of The Retreat at Boyertown Farms... This to-be-built home is the "Addison Heritage" plan by Keystone Custom Homes, and is located in the community of The Retreat at Boyertown Farms...

It’s very difficult to get financing for mobile homes that don’t comply with the HUD code. Unfortunately, if your mobile home was built before 1976, this could be a dealbreaker regarding its value. The code sets out standards that are aimed at regulating the safety and build quality of manufactured homes. Looking back on the prices of new mobile homes you can see that there is a huge difference in the values of the different sized homes. This will need to be factored in when you try to estimate the value of your house. Prices for Skyline and Fleetwood and Models &Floorplans of New Factory Built Manufactured & Modular Homes for sale in Oregon and Washington.

What to Do If Your HUD Tag Is Missing

Part of being financially responsible is being aware of your financial position as influenced by your fixed assets like your manufactured home. Many people make the mistake of assuming that the value of their mobile home stays the same as it was when they bought it. Before you decide on your home’s market value, you must take into account any upgrades you’ve made while living there. Upgrades can include new or better appliances, new sheetrock, new flooring, a fireplace, or a porch.

In most cases, it is very difficult to obtain financing for a used manufactured home, especially on a park lot, so most banks won’t help your buyers to make the purchase. This can considerably slow down your time to sale, simply because buyers must either take out a high-interest loan or come up with the capital in cash in advance. This difficulty stems from the fact that mobile homes are considered property and typically registered as motor vehicles, even though most of them are never moved. A full appraisal will give you a much better idea of what your mobile home is worth on the retail market, but it will not be cheap.

fleetwood manufactured home serial number lookup

Wholesale allows you to sell quickly and without the hassle and additional costs of retail, but for a significantly lower price. You can use these listings to get a ballpark figure of the asking price you may want to try when listing your home for sale. It’s also important to remember that your manufactured home may not sell for the asking price you set. However, you’ll have a much better chance if your price range is competitive. One important reason why newer manufactured homes will be valued higher is that it’s easier to get financing for them.

fleetwood mobile home serial number

It can be increased or decreased through changes that you make or purely through the passage of time itself. A mobile home that is near impoverished communities or crime hot spots won’t have the same value as a home in a good neighborhood. Also, if you live in an area where good schools, stores, and recreation areas aren’t easily accessible, this will bring down your home’s value. The Certification labels can be in sequential order but they may not be.


Due to their smaller size and difficulty in obtaining financing, they are normally valued far less than other types of manufactured homes. New single wides cost about $ 50,000 which is significantly less than the bigger types. Inside your home, paint is the number one way to instantly freshen up the space. Installing better molding, creating an accent wall, and installing better windows are also great ways to put a new spin on the traditional mobile home. Anything you can do to make it seem a little bit more special and unique is good. Buyers don’t want a home that looks like every other mobile home in the park.

fleetwood mobile home serial number

Thankfully, there are a few ways to make back your money . Upgrading in smaller ways to increase the functionality of the home. Selling your mobile home directly to a broker allows you to make a sale quickly, avoid issues with the park, get money quickly, and move on with your life. While you will earn less money upfront, you won’t have to worry about additional fees, park issues, or waiting a year or more to sell your mobile home, and you might walk away with more profit. Direct sales are ideal if you can’t sell quickly, have high rental fees to consider, or need the money from the sale upfront to invest in a new home or opportunity. One of the largest benefits of wholesale is that you can sell your mobile home very quickly, sometimes even on the same day you receive the offer.


In real estate, value that is added to an asset is called appreciation. Sometimes mobile home owners accidentally hit the jackpot and move to a certain area of town before it’s trendy. Next thing they know, everyone is moving to that neighborhood and houses are simply flying off the market. That might happen to you, so it pays to do some market and location research. Depreciation is the decline in value of an asset or a piece of real estate.

fleetwood mobile home serial number

Instead, you need to contact the IBTS, which may be able to issue a letter verifying the specific certification labels that had been attached to your home. This gives your insurance company the necessary information about the home. A manufactured home HUD tag, or certification tag, is the metal plaques attached to the exterior of your home that is 2″ wide and 4″ long. It proves that the home was inspected at the factory and passed.

Fleetwood Manufactured Home Serial Number

The plate can often be found on the master bedroom’s closet wall, under the kitchen sink on the cabinet doors, or near the home’s HVAC system closet, electrical panel, or backdoor. Some mobile homeowners find that the data plate has been removed or painted over, so you may need to do some exploring. If you care for your home, you’ll make it that much more attractive to a buyer. Be strategic, and you might just sell your mobile home with a tidy little profit besides. Deprecation is a combination of all of the other factors we’re talking about today. It includes everything from location and market to age and cosmetics.

fleetwood mobile home serial number

This sale will go through instantly and parks cannot stop the sale due to repairs needed and cannot deny the sale as the home will be moved off the lot. You also won’t need an attorney or park mediation, because it is a two-party sale between you and the broker. At times, parks will implement a First Right Of Refusal, where you are required to give the mobile home park the chance to match any purchase agreement you enter into. This is often misrepresented in order to make the homeowner believe they are not allowed to sell their home to a buyer who plans to move the home.

What To Do If Your Data Plate Is Missing

On the end, you’ll see a letter “A” and “B” if you’re dealing with a mobile home that was built with more than one transportable part. Each side will have its own letter tacked on the end of the VIN number. On paperwork, “AB” would be tacked on together at the end of the VIN number, rather than listing the VIN twice for each part. Begin by moving anything that may be obstructing your view of the mobile home’s metal frame at the towing end of your home. There are two metal bars that extend at this end (if they weren’t removed), creating a triangle which makes the tow bar. Hopefully, this helps equip you with the information needed for understanding the different markets assessing mobile home values.

It’s a several digit serial number that identifies various details of your home. For the remainder of this article, we shall continue to use the shorthand “VIN” in reference to vehicle identification numbers.


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